Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The won...Period...Stop making excuses about older kids. This weekend confirmed what we all knew. Chuckster is the best, 91 came out of hibernation to show they are better than the Igloos of the world but still not on Par with The Expresses. And then there are "The rest" Older kids, younger kids, whatever... It is a fact.

And 91 MD showed that they are on par with Express. 1 point apart pretty much shows equal teams.

Oh really?????????

How many true 2024 players does Team 91 Maryland use?

Because MM’s kid loves to post on social media how he plays on the 2025 team. Posts come ... ALL THE TIME!

MM’s kid is on the 2024 Team 91 Maryland team!

Ask any kid you know to confirm this.

Team 91 Maryland are cheating DB’s to the core!

Wait! Is that the soubd of Express whining and complaining?? I thought Express doesnt do that?

I quote:
"2025 CoachC spanked the hawks 10-3 while 91 dads are still driving home saying in the car ride home “ did you see the size of those kids on the hawks , They’re older they’re bigger “ lol. Lame excuses, get on the field and play ball and stop your whining, you don’t see express whining and complaining do you , nope , just good load fashioned ballin"

Hmmm. Sounds like its Express doing the whining and complaining about other teams being "older and bigger".
Too funny. What a fool.