Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Interesting reading on the Maryland thread. They talk about how Madlax has only one on age player in the starting line up, which is the goalie. And there’s only one on age player on the second line, that doesnt play very much. Other than that, all of the Madlax players that get any playing time are holdbacks that are 15 years old. This doesn’t include the guest players that they get on occasion from DCDogs 2023 team or their own 2023 team, like they did at the NLF in July. Can someone explain to me why this team isn’t playing in a 2023 bracket? Are they afraid to play other 15 year olds? Check out the conversation on the Maryland thread, to see the inside story on the black eye of youth lacrosse.

A disgrace to the sport.

The DC Dogs are the 2023 team they do not have another 2023 team. Also, the majority of 2023 players are still 14.

So our Madlax stalker is admitting to his team using players from a team outside of Madlax and from a grade older. Last time I checked, this is a 2024 board and a 2024 bracket, which doesn’t allow 2023 players. So right there you are admitting to cheating which is no big deal because there isn’t a person reading this that doesn’t already know that. And assuming you are not lying about the 14 year old claim (yeah right!), that just means that they are playing on age for the 2023 age bracket. Now we know that the DCDogs are a Maryland team where playing on age is very rare, so based on that, you are lying about the 14 year old part. Based on what we all know as fact, those 2023 players are 15 years old going on 16 years old. By the way, holdback stalker parent, my kid that he is playing is on age and 12 years old. Thank you for confirming that Madlax is the cheater trash of 2024. What I don’t understand is, what does your kid get out of playing down between, at a minimum, a year to a maximum (??) of two and a half years? You do realize the only one that wins, is the ownership of Madlax, right? You are nothing but a weak pawn in the Ponzi Scheme that IS Madlax.

Sorry you don't read so good but the DC Dogs are Madlax. They bought a top MD team a fews years back. The 2023 team that was Madlax Capital was not good and did not win enough games. Madlax, being the world leader in youth lacrosse, did what good companies do, they bought a competitor. The acquired team wanted to keep the name DC Dogs as they practice at G-Town Prep and have ties to the school. The kids that were Madlax 2023 went different ways. My guess is that some went down to the 2024 team. The top players on the 2023 DC Dogs team have NEVER and will NEVER play on the 2024 team. If your LI 12 year olds really have to face the DC Dogs it would not even be close. This is the truth.

So Madlax 2024 uses kids from outside the Madlax 2024 team. Got it! And, these “guest” players are from the Madlax 2023 team. Check! And these 2023 players from a different team are 14 years old now, which means they will be 15 years old very shortly. Double check! Do you realize that, right there, you just admitted to cheating three times, and that doesn’t account for any lies that are intertwined throughout your claims. And right now you’re thinking, what’s up with this guy, because morally-challenged-you don’t see anything wrong here. You’re more informative than the disgruntled (pissed off!) on-age parents on the Maryland thread.