Originally Posted by Anonymous

There are three teams, and then the drop off to the next team, is... off a cliff. Use to be that Igloo was there. But now they won't be in any conversations either. It's been like this since the beginning. Every year, people post on here, "teams are catching up." Well I haven't seen it yet.


Unfortunately it sounds like that gap may widen even further this year, with all of the top Igloo players going to either WP or Taz (and presumably Express). Would have made it a little more interesting had they gone to other teams. So who will be at the top of the next tier? True Blue?

Heard True Blue lost some of their good players as well. So we will just have to wait and see!![/quote]

I heard True blue trimmed the fat [/quote]

LOL. Ya True Blue trimmed away $3000 bills. Keep telling yourself that Bagel Boss Massapequa Dad.[/quote]

Now that’s funny! I find it extremely humorous how your so fast to point out the short guy! I’m not sure where your little superstar plays lacrosse or if he even steps on the field but I just hope your satisfied rooting on the little johnnys on the field as your little boy is making sure the water is nice and cold for the real players! Another dense lacrosse dad paying in lnto the system.