Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Interesting rankings.

Arden is too high, but I assume that the list is based on scores and I think they had a decent summer. Of course they dont exist anymore at 2026 do they?

Who are the Boston Kings?

Team 91 MD and Looneys belong somewhere on this list.

Madlax should be higher

My son played for Arden so I am biased. we had quality wins like against bbl. looneys and hawks are definitely better in hoco, but we are top 15 for sure with looneys and blc in front of us. get real that tommynickers are top 15. who are they? name a quality win of them, they wouldnt be top 5 in hoco. we could not touch the top 3 because they have way more athletes. who is boston kings? I think last year rank should be hawks, tiger, laxachusset, sweetlax, evolve, looneys, eclipse, express, bethesda, kings fine, bbl, Arden. how am i wrong?

looneys was #2 in hoco and had good wins. they got close on hawks and beat them the year before in hoco final so they should be top 6. bethesda is #3 in Maryland. bethesda held strong at nlf beating 91 long island and we went overtime with express, we got beten bad by hawks and tigers at nlf but they played in the finals and like out chances against laxachusetts. know way 2ways, fca, towersman should be in them spots. ok bbl should be 6 and eclipse 7 and who cares on last year anywhat

maryland in this order...hawks, Looneys, blc, arden, 91md, fca, crabs on summer and hoco...fact