Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Another fact... The Powell brothers didn't grow up in a hotbed, playing alongside some of the best kids in Long Island or MD at the time. They picked up the game in late Elementary School and played in a tiny town in upstate NY. Club lacrosse didn't exist anywhere at the time, but there were certainly better organized rec leagues in Long Island and MD. They overcame this "disadvantage" through love of the game, passion, and commitment to practice when no one was looking. They were also insanely athletic and talented. Let your kid enjoy the ride on whatever team he plays for, chances are, he isn't destined for the Major Leagues. Keep perspective and have fun, it's over before you blink.

If I wanted my kid to have fun I would take him to the circus

What a timely reference. My favorite show is Murder She Wrote, but I don't go telling everyone that.