Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
What has happen to the 2023 Hawks?

What do you mean? Looks like they went 5-1 this weekend?

Once you get to the elite level of lacrosse it's all about Championships. Beating up on some cupcake teams and OT against Looneys…… You can't be happy with that? Can you? How many championships have Hawks won this season 2018-2019?

No it's not. You are an stunad..... No one cares about 8th grade summer lacrosse.... No one will remember what championships you won and how many t-shirts and hats you received..... This must be a Crabs parent who has been drinking the Kool-Aid for a while and have been winning lots of championships with a team full of Hold-backs..... Enjoy pumping your chest out....Next year no one cares and your kid probably won't play....Nice job on riding the coat tails of a few hold back kids....