Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Thought we may try something fun that hopefully won't start an argument but a lively discussion:

2023 Awards

Best Team
Best Coaching
Best Attack (Individual and Team)
Best Midfield (Individual and Team)
Best Defense (Individual and Team)
Best Goalie (Individual and Team)
Best FO (Individual and Team)
Most improved Team
Team that took the biggest step back

Shouldn't this be broken down in two categories..On age players and Holdback players. Big difference for many on age 8th graders going against heldback 9th graders. .

Good point but who knows what age these kids are at the 2023s; sad but true. We can all agree that the Crabs and Dogs have the most High School players on their respective teams.

Carbs goalie versus Hawks goalie - two best but have to give it to the Crabs goalie since the Hawks goalie got 'shelled' a few weeks back
3 best teams are at the top of the division (Crabs, Hawks and Dogs) again they all have the most holdbacks so this is to be expected.