Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by laxlax2
Originally Posted by LaxDad19
Originally Posted by anonymous11
Posts: 1

Igloo moving to YJ is a done deal. Take a look at the YJ website. TC is listed as coach for his 2023 team, which will now be the A team and will remain intact. He also took his 2024 and 2025 teams with him. This was in the works for months! He made sure his 2021 daughter was taken care of in Liberty and threw the rest of the team under the bus! This is HORRIBLE as the 2021 team is 12 months out from recruitment. He could not take the 2021 with him because there are already 4 2021 teams on YJ. These 15-20 girls and their families are now left to fend for themselves trying to get on another travel team that has probably been together for at least 6 years. VERY BAD IGLOO!! I'm sure many of these girls left their former teams 3-4 years ago to help launch the Igloo program and look where they ended up. I feel very sad for these girls and their parents.

I understand where you stand as far as girls making sacrifices to help Igloo but in their defense in which I absolutely have no connection with them whatsoever, if they were unable to field a team, I think they did the right thing in merging their program with the strongest program there is. If not that, what do you think they should have done?

true they had to do something i think all the girls will find a place. it is going to cause some major changes in the 2023 YJ. but probably for the better. don't you think?

Maybe, maybe not. YJ was a mess to begin with and now the Igloo girls are getting thrown into it. Dad will only care about his own daughter. Igloo threw those Familys under the bus and now has the gall to send out an email invite to their showcase the they want to charge 500$ for a bunch of coaches that they PAY to attend. NO THANK YOU, I’ll wait till the coaches want to come on their own to watch my daughter play. How notIntelligent do they think people are??

$500??? for real???

Embarrassing isn't it? For a one day event, I even thought about paying 200 and thought that would be a little crazy. It isn't even an exclusive invite only type of event. The definition of money grab, sad for the sport. I'm sure the rich little snobs will stand out without any real competition in the house. Unfortunately, these coaches are being paid, and could care less.

Would cost more to drive to Maryland or anywhere else that requires an overnight stay to see 1-2 of these coaches and you get in front of a great group of schools, except Hofstra, not sure why they're included, you certainly don't need to spend this money for them to see you, they have stuff all the time