Originally Posted by Anonymous
Have you seen the Crabs 2021 holdbacks strutting around as they run over kids two years younger? Have you seen the behavior of their owner? Have you seen the behavior of their parents? Do you really think someone on the sideline stating the obvious is going to somehow effect the well being of the kid on the field? Puhleez....

While i agree about some of these holdbacks/prefirst acting a bit arrogant at times. It still is better left to give your opinions about how wrong it is with other adults/officials/club owners etc in the right setting or conversation maybe even the parent next to you in stands. Children are still children and shouldnt be belittled by adults.

Having select children get an advantage that other children dont receive that are born on the exact same Birthday goes against everything youth sports stands for. Frankly the majority of people that have children that play lacrosse think it is just plain wrong