Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Or maybe she'll get the best education in the country while playing a sport she loves. Ivies supply plenty of financial aid for those in need. Your bitterness is evident

no, not bitter. scared for what openly socialist professors are teaching these impressionable kids. and planning on paying for my kids college myself, not gonna rely on debt or need based anything. but in return I'd like them to learn about productive enterprise. self reliance and hard work not transfer payment mindset and rabble rousing so common on elitist university campuses these days..

YAWN. And really just a distraction from the topic, which is that YJ 2019 is a very good, not great team and not in the same league as prior iterations. That is NOT an indictment on the girls. They have all done great things and have great college opportunities. They just are not the dominant lacrosse force that teams before them have been.