Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
To Many "ME ME" players and too many "MY SON MY SON" parents , yes you may have great skilled players!! but unfortunate not enough Lax IQ amongst the "TEAM" .Like it or not Way to many swollen heads all across the board sporting the apparel and looking for respect without proving their existence . Cut those out and play the game like a team and you will compete against the real competition . One other thing, Stop going around saying your not worried about IGLOO , you will never compete against them , especially without the 4 golden players.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
2021- NLF - Bethesda 8 crabs 5 in semis.

What happened to the mighty 91 Blaze Team. Seems that they cannot compete with the better teams. I have watched them play and I agree with the original poster, too many "ME" players and issues and no team chemistry. It gets very old, VERY QUICK, when you declare you are the best and cant back it up! Lacrosse is a TEAM game folks, they will never succeed.

Trouble in Paradise!!!!!If you look closer and analyze the TEAM. They actually had a (-)NEGATIVE goal differential after 3 games. Outplayed on both sides of the ball. There is no TEAM balance.

Wolfpack attitude, jump on them when they are down. You give those kids a little more time and they will find the chemistry. Yes they are the giant self proclaimed greatest club but I know a few of those kids and they are good kids. I hope they stay together, they will be something to watch in a couple of years. Ok let the onslaught begin.