Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

They made the final. Wonder why they choose to drop out? They are certainly good enough to be competitive in WSYL.

$5,000 to participate per kid once travel and tourney fees are included.

It's not quite that bad, but it is a lot...

For a family of four, flights (Southwest from BWI to DEN) cost about $2200 and hotel about $700. Rental car probably $300 for four days. Budget, what, $100 per day for food if you try to go on the cheap. So that's about $3600 for a family of four. If you go parent/player that cuts the flight and food in about half.

Tournament fee $300 per player.

So if you take your whole family of four it's about $4000 total, less if you go player/parent. Which is more than most of us pay for annual club tuition.

I get that it is quite expensive, but why participate if they have no plan to go to Denver in the first place? Why not give other clubs a chance to play instead of taking up a slot?