Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Why is it only Sky Walkers being discussed in the Maryland forum? There are lots of other girls clubs in Maryland and all of them have their faults and/or warts. club lacrosse is not all unicorns and rainbows. I'm not a Sky Walkers supporter but I just refuse to believe that it is all unicorns and rainbows in other clubs...

I don't believe that it is all unicorns and rainbows at other clubs. My daughter plays for another highly successful clubs and of course there are always issues everywhere.

I think people discuss Skywalkers because their talent level and results have really dropped off at all ages below 2018. None of these teams have won a real tournament in the past couple years. 2019 was successful when they were younger, but they are a middle of the pack team at this point.

So the question is, what happened? I think the consensus is that people have seen that there are other options out there besides subjecting your daughter to Mike and Molly. While I agree with the poster that said the girls will be coached this way if not worse in college, when you are deciding where to put your 4th and 5th grader, most don't deem those methods necessary at that age. Therefore, parent are putting their girls elsewhere and Skywalkers is not getting most of the talent in the younger ages. Will some of the girls move as they approach high school? I guess we will see in the next couple years in terms of how the 2019s-2021s do.

2019 & 2020 teams probably won't win a game at the Chesapeake tournament next weekend - that's all you need to know about the direction the club is going in

LOL - Look at the schedule - Skywalkers will win quite a few. Go look up who is listed as the director.

Ok so the 2019's don't have that difficult a schedule, 2020 and 2021 won't win more than one game