Well according to their website, they won 3 championships and had one finalist and one semi-finalist at the CNC. That would be an amazing day if it were actually true. Considering they put the top teams in one playoff and the bottom 7/8 teams in another, claiming a championship by winning the playoff between the bottom 7/8 teams seems a little bit dishonest. The finalist they claim was also in the bottom playoff after going 0-3 in pool play. [/quote]

And you wonder why YJ nation is hated? 7th grade girls feeling good about some nice legitimate wins and you are talking crap geesh. When all the YJ's make the All American LI team will they boast? Such 2 faced BS [/quote]

You may be the biggest loser to post on here, why do you think its a YJ parent posting this . Most likely a rival MD club who was at the actual tournament they are talking about. You need to look in the mirror and see why you have such resentment of people and how many times your ignorance has caused you to lash out at people for no reason.