Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Pretty hard for the F&F to say they aren't on the plan as we approach the Luau and the cruise. Only the major kiss asses sign up. We did the party last year, not doing it this year but if the cruise materializes people are going to have a hard time defending why they are on a boat with CR

Is this a joke. You try to abuse people who went to the Luau and may go on the cruise then turn around and say you are one of those kiss asses who went to the Luau. Two things you would know if you were actually YJ and had gone to the Luau, its actually fun if you enjoy hanging with some of the parents from your team, and you would have known the Luau already happened. Nice try TG.

I was at the luAu with my kids and had a great time. Not sure how going to the luau is kissing [lacrosse] but whatever. Oh and I am not going on the cruise because we already have a family trip booked that week-I'm sure CR is not going to lose sleep over that. If you knew her even a little you would know that.

It was not a joke, they cannot compete on the field with YJ so they have to belittle everything else about the program.

You are on the 2020 thread and you are going to imply that TG can't compete with YJ? That's funny!