Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
that is YOUR choice. why do you care how far people drive or what they pay? seems strange.

Same reason I care when I hear a kid got injured . Dont like to see people I know go through bad things.

how did this turn into a kid getting hurt. I'm sure if people are unhappy they will leave.i guess you think they are among the who the heck would pay that for that.
You asked why I cared no? I explained it, when something bad happens to somebody I know I feel bad for them. When greed gets in the way of fielding a balanced team and children are placed on it that don't belong and as a result get no playing time and their self esteem injured it bothers me. I know what kind of turnover the team your talking about has had. That speaks for itself

it was a rhetorical question. If you got out im sure they can to. Every team at this age has turnover.