Originally Posted by Anonymous
People bash on the Turtles because they have been an entitled group of kids (and parents) for years. They've also lost a few key kids, and this trend will continue.

As for some teams having older kids, that may be true, but the situation is way overblown. Amazing how LI parents are so obsessed about an issue that doesn't exist.

Issue doesn't exist?? In that well known league in Philly it's an epidemic. To say otherwise is laughable. Believe it or not, some of us folks up here in LI have relatives in Philly and MD. The gig is up. We all know what goes on. I guess we're all making up stories about 6 plus kids on a freshman showcase team being 16?? About ACC freshmen who's freshman room mates are 19 years old and turning 20 by spring. About freshman prep school kids being 2 years older than LI freshman. About 60 percent of all freshman that made jake reed were a year or two older. It's all made up. One last thing... Notice how LI travel teams beat every team up until the summer before 9th grade?? Then all of a sudden our kids can barely beat any of the top teams from out of state??? How does this happen? I wonder? Yet when the LI clubs go to the U-15 Championship they're always in the finals or win it. Oh yeah and the top clubs from MD and Philly don't show up or don't do well. Why?