Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Sally’s daddy claims his daughter is an All American lacrosse player as well as “tearing it up” on the soccer field. Yet Sally’s daddy needs to come on an anonymous web and trash others. Now does anyone here remotely believe Sally’s fantasy world, created by her lonely daddy? Does it sound logical? Or does Sally’s daddy seem like a bit of a sociopath who makes up an alternate reality for his Sally?

No way was this guys daughter an AA. That said I am unfamiliar with the event he is bashing , is it new , and is there a tryout or is it an application type thing. If its new I would say the jury is still out on if its a decent event . I would also say that they did not promote it that well as no one I have talked with knew anything about it but hopefully it turns out to be another opportunity for players.

Agree that US Lacrosse did not do a very good job publicizing it. Also, having the combine after fall sports started was unfortunate. The event itself is certainly something that any kid that makes the team should enjoy. Playing at the Fall Classic with the mens and womens US and Canadian national teams as well as the UVA men and Maryland women will be a great experience. The talent at the girls U17 tryouts was very good. I'm not sure how the other 3 groups were. That said, there definitely were plenty of great U17 eligible players that were not there. But considering who was there, making that team is an accomplishment. Many 2020 girls there that are already committed to top schools and a very good group of 2021s also.

Also some parts of the country were already back in school last week. My daughter - a 2020 committed to a good program for a while now - decided not to pursue this. There was not good information about what the whole thing entailed back when we heard about it. We would have had to travel out of state for the tryout at a busy time of the school year (no mention of applying with film back then). For us, weighing travel time and expense plus tryout fees, it was not something we wanted to do with a kid who will be playing at the college level in one year. Was not worth it for us for the chance to wear a USA uniform and play teams that may not be all that competitive. But, I don't understand bashing others for choosing to participate in something. Choose to try out, or choose not to try out, and then move on and mind your own business about other people's decisions. I'm sure it will be a fun experience, but I would not expect any future U19 or team USA coach to base player selection on whether or not someone was on the U15 or U17 roster.