Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Forget who made it, who did not make it. Those petty snubs and favors will always exist. Don’t look at the players names, don’t look at the clubs they played for or the states or anything else. Purely look at where they are committed to. Eyes wide open, glaring problem with the selection 100% based on that criteria alone. If you don’t see it, you are blind and willing to look the other way. Not bitter, don’t have a kid eligible for this go around, and I did not form my opinion on makes and not makes. I purely looked at the commit list and was blown away, scream politics at the highest level.

Just looked at the list.

Northwestern - 7
North Carolina - 4
Notre Dame - 2
Princeton - 2
Duke - 2
UMass - 2
Maryland - 2
Penn State
Boston College

two players not committed.

With the exception of Northwestern it looks like a pretty good mix of schools. I have no problem with the Head Coach selecting her players "she recruited them so obviously she thinks that they are good players". Were there NU players / recruits at the tryout who did not make the team? Were there NU players / recruits who did not get invited to the tryouts? Do you think that none of the NU players / recruits belong on the team.

I think that as usual most of the banter on here stems from sour grapes. It is not all politics.

Congrats to the players who made the team.

That’s what you take away from that list? Really? Blind
USlacrosse should allow the coaches a limit of 2 so this does not happen.

Yes, and this is my issue with US USELESS. Happens every time they pick a National team. They do absolutely nothing for the sport but collect money for there own use, not to further the sport. Just sad!

Waaaaaah waaaaaah waaaaaaah. Enough with your whining. What do they do every time? Here is s news flash: Lacrosse is not an individual sport, it is not wrestling or swimming or track . All evaluators have their own opinions coaches know the type of player they want. There are always going to be more capable players than there are roster spots. If 109 players were invited to tryout and they selected 36 there are at least an additional 10 - 15 players who are at the same level as the players who made the team. The head coach should have final say. Stop with the it's not fair BS. Nothing is fair. Who should select the team? Delusional parents who know nothing yet question every team that has ever been picked?

It is always the same on here. Disgruntled , delusional parents of players who are not picked or named or recruited come on here and [ChillLaxin].

If your daughter made it that's great, good for her be proud.

If your daughter was not selected that stinks.

You think you know it all, however if you learned how to read, you would see that several people commenting did NOT have a daughter who tried out, so your theory is dead wrong. SOME people just look at whats going on and see that there are major problems in this process. Maybe, one day my daughter will try out for this team, and I would like to see the process be fair.

But until then it is tainted, the team stinks, theirs no competition etc etc.... I guess all the parents of the kids that made it and worked their butts off preparing should not be proud and excited...its really not an honor and it's a waste.