I am truly sorry if this impacted your sons chance of playing MS ball.

But I applaud a coach that looks at his/her future kids during the off season sports (to gain knowledge of players before a season). This is a huge advantage for a coach going into a season.

Any good coach knows you can take a great basketball player (especially defensive minded player grd/frwd with good feet) and turn them into a good (Big) Lacrosse player. Especially defensive.

My old coach years ago said "if you ever want to know who an athlete is have your boys play basketball. Regardless if they CAN play hoops (well), you will see who the athletes are, who the leaders are and who the hard workers are. These are all positive attributes and building blocks to any team sport.

The same is true that a great RB/QB in MS may make a good middie. A FB maybe Attack or Defense. Same with soccer.

Ill admit many things have changed since the 90's but Id bet if my coach were still alive today he'd say to find a good football/soccer player look at the lax fields for your diamond in the rough.

but again it is hard for that player who may have gotten cut.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Our middle school is also a combined 7th/8th grade team. A lot of good players did make the team, but unfortunately a lot of kids didn't even get a look. Seems like coach picked mostly boys from the football team, as he coaches both sports. Too bad kids can't try out with masks on!! Seems like it would be the only fair way....
And how can you have a tryout for over 60 kids and not assign them to wear a number or something so you know who is who?? Just doesn't seem right.

Our middle school coach did this too -- he coaches another sport and he invited all those players to the tryout (some don't even play lacrosse!) and he took them all. Apparently even gave them direct special instruction during the tryouts (like that doesn't stand out to the rest of the boys!).

I guess his plan is to take a few Bruce Jenners and turn them into Paul Rabils. Good luck with that!