Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
When did Wink become God of Long Island Lacrosse? And someone should take his crown because he is more worried about pleasing family members and lining his pockets.

Despite a somewhat torrid history in this sport, he is recently putting on a pretty good show of offerings for girls lacrosse. His LILJ is doing a great job at publicizing the sport and giving recognition to LI girls, his showcases do a (comparatively) good job at providing high quality competition and multi-faceted events, his programs for older girls are top notch and they cross his endeavors over into school ball. You're welcome to grab his "crown" and establish your own kingdom, but you've got a lot of work ahead of you in terms of providing the types of things he is providing for the sport. And yes, it likely comes with its monetary rewards. Some of his programs are indeed expensive.

He is a money-hungry braggart. If you think he is a good guy, you are mistaken. Period!