Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I think the first 4 2019 teams are pretty solid. After that who knows what you got.
I'm not so sure about that 4th team. From what I understand, the coach is a no show quite often and the asst coach is a daddy coach with no experience.

At this age, I bet you’ll see a lot of people deciding to hold onto their money instead of giving it to CR so their daughter can play on a 4th, 5th or 6th team.
These teams are excluded from the better tournaments and seeded in weaker divisions. What is the benefit of that?
I don’t think those kids ever get moved up, so why stick around.
You basically have a glorified PAL league at that point with the privilege of wearing the YJ jacket and slapping the YJ bumper sticker on your car.
You’re better off putting that money in your daughter’s college fund or going on vacation.