Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The grad that impresses the interviewer the most, that has a degree in the field in witch the interview was for.If you think a piece of paper with a school name on it is going to help your kid get a job your fooling yourself. there are lots of "good schools" that have grads waiting tables while the Pace grad works for I.B.M.

Gotta get in front of the interviewer. At a minimum, 80% of resumes are tossed for any good job. Assuming you took an appropriate curriculum, your school, your internships and your GPA are what gets you in front of the interviewer. Connections are everything for mid-careers and great for securing internships but overrated for assisting you in getting your first job.

If everyone thinks that Fortune 100 companies that get 100's of resumes a week for entry level positions don't put kids on top of the pile from Duke, ND, MW etc you are really fooling yourself. It's the same thing with travel lacrosse. Does playing on Blue get you noticed with a better chance of scholarship? YES IT DOES. Can someone get money playing just school ball with a good video and doing some camps? SURE but its a lot harder to do. So yeah a Pace kid can hopefully get an interview but will have to work a lot harder than a Duke grad to get in the door. Pick the better school every time even if you have to leave your stick at home!!
90% + of the jobs in the country are not at fortune 500 companies. Unless your a business major the jobs at that company do not apply. If your daughter is looking to be, lets say for an example, a nurse, than a $300,000.00 education is kind of overkill. The same is true in many other fields of endeavor. So yes at the major trading houses, banks and insurance companies the "top Schools" are probably the way to go. But even then your odds of success on a grand scale are minimal if your a man, and much less if your a woman so good luck with that. Lets face the facts here, we're talking about our daughters, including my own, and there is a high percentage chance that they will spend 10 years or less in the work force before starting families, so is that high price tag worth it?

You sound like a dad that is going to chase the athletic money regardless of where it is offered from. Good Luck!
Actually no. my daughter had no intention of playing, Applied to a school and was accepted, then got in contact with the coach and was offered money. What she chased was a particular career, lacrosse was just a bonus

Refreshing response, I see you're not a cool aid drinker. Hope it works out for your daughter