Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
My dd plays on 2020 Steps and we beat your Cursio group but lost to your Jones group. Congratulations! Jones group outplayed us. Cursio group wrongly thought they'd beat us with their backups - we saw Cursio's offensive player (who's fun to watch- behind the backs dodges) sit out against us. Also IMO Jones group was faster than both us and Cursio.
The YJs are good but, "on any given weekend".

The jackets r imploding.
Internal fighting between teams and inside their own teams.
They don't win like they use to, due to more kids playing and friends and family favors.
The lacrosse world including college coaches are starting to realize the unsavory reps of the players and parents.
Backlash against the under armour political games is occurring.
Very talented kids are leaving because it's just not fun.
And good parents are pulling their kids cuz the sidelines are toxic.

Really? Keep telling yourself that to make yourself feel better about the choices you made with your kid. Every club had their big mouths, complainers, etc. but the majority of the parents I have spoken with on the sidelines have been happy with the product the receive. Granted I have only been involved for two years, but like any place else the loud minority gets heard, because the rational parents with real expectations accept the outcomes because they were well educated going in.
The LI landscape becomes more diluted by the year and now everybody grabs whoever they can. How many kids got cut from the Elite 2020's which is now up to five teams? Huge business with too much cash to pass up. If the crazy parents want to get screwed, pay big money sit on a backstabbing bitching sideline and then get kicked in the teeth when their kid earns a place on the top team only to find out the spot is going to a F&F kid instead. Cant blame CR for taking care of those who have taken care of her. We know one family that has put 4 girls through the program . Do the math that's a freakin fortune!