YJ VS YJ drama starts with the coaching. It starts and could end with C.R., if she chose to do so.

So there was a game last weekend where the sun was setting. YJ coach has goalie sprint on field to get the net with the sun at the goalies back. Smart coaching...

Then this YJ coach refuses to switch goals at half because it is NOT spelled out in the rules for the tourney. She bullys the ref, who really could care less. I personally don't like this move. I hate to coach by exploiting loopholes, not good sportmanship BUT I'm OK with it.

Oh yeah, this goes way over the top, this coach does this against ANOTHER YJ team. Really? Classless, IMO, hope you enjoy your win, at any cost! Way to coach sportmanship!

YJ could learn something from Team 91, who tends to refuse to pit their teams against each other in championship games. Thats how you build teamwork within an organization.