Originally Posted by Anonymous

Ok betting man here are some facts
according to Forbes best College list
1-Stamford D1
3-Princeton D1
4-Yale D1
5- Columbia D1 (not real good)
8-Harvard D1
9-Williams D3
10- M.I.T. D3
So according to you D 3 Schools not only have bad lacrosse, but are also bad academic schools……like M.I.T. …..yah that school sucks. 2 of those bad D3 schools are listed before any of the schools you mentioned. I for one would rather have my daughter go to Williams and play bad lacrosse and get a top education, even if she walked on or tried out, than go to Ohio State and come out a Barista that played good lacrosse[/quote]

Just a hunch, but I bet you didn't go to Stamford, did you? [/quote]
No as a matter of fact, I didn't, But seeing as you want to judge someone based on a key stroke error, lets see what we can read into you. Seeing as you wrote this at 10:30 in the morning I can only assume that you're a a house wife with nothing more to do but sit home and expand while you're husband goes out to work a long day, no doubt to evade the black hole at home. I wonder what you majored in at Suffolk Community College? how to marry well. Slow husband killing 101,or maybe the Y..J. housewife special- how to live through my kid while being fat and obnoxious.