Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by CageSage
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Cage, would like your opinion.

Yesterday at Hofstra there was a "Hofstra Committed Team" do you see this as the beginning of a trend?

Will or have other Schools entered Tournaments with their recruits?

What will the HS/Town Programs say ?
BOTC does not have any information about the Hofstra event from November 10th aside from what we saw on their web site in preparing this response. We do not have any information about the teams or schedules that participated.

Given that we have never seen a collegiate recruiting event pull together their future individual recruits into a single team, it would be difficult to categorize such as a trend. Without NLIs in place, it is unclear where such teams would stand in the eyes of the NCAA - and without more information, we cannot draw any conclusions.

I was at Hoftsra and my son's team played "Be the Best" Most kids were from St. A and Chaminade. The face off kid was Hoftsra commtitted. Is this the team you are talking about? Also the trend of "Team Hopping" is becoming big. Many good players are doing it. There is a team going to the Mt. Sinai Tourney in a few weeks consisting of committed kids from several other teams. I think we will see this trend continue. I know some kids that currently play for 4+ teams. Even at the 6th grade level it is happening where some Crush players play for Dune Dawgs when they are available. Not sure if this is wise. Burns kids out running from game to game trying to get it all in.

"Be the Best" is mostly Chaminade
"Team Dutch" at Hofstra was a team of all Hofstra recruits/commits