Originally Posted by Anonymous
"...Remember that BOTC has no vested interest in the National 175 events and as a result it is not that we are advising the community on behalf of a sponsor."

Really? Don't you have a paid relationship with the Express whose director is also a principal of 175? Your views are tainted on this subject because you are defending a customer who has paid you advertising dollars through another entity. Explains your adamant and biased position on this subject. If a midweek showcase outside of your advertising base was the only tournament impacted by the IMLCA I doubt you would even mention it on this board.
Incorrect. BOTC does not have a business relationship with the National 175 program and we have no programs at this time with the Long Island Express. While we have no hands-on experience with the National 175 Showcase(s), clearly, a local market exists for their product as evidenced by families that purchased this Long Island based showcasing option for their student-athletes.

NCAA Division I and II coaches under the IMLCA were clearly registered to attend this Long Island National 175 event. There was an appetite to observe Long Island talent in this showcase event. Those coaches were following the NCAA calendar to the letter and completely within their right to attend.

So, the showcase put together the parents, student-athletes, and coaches right here on Long Island. What was the evil associated with that?

Apparently, you, dear poster, in your support of the IMLCA's position, believe that taking away that option provides an example of "doing the right thing". Because it was such the right thing, the IMLCA then announces "not to worry, we have Corrigan Sports to offer our own events".

Again, this event could have been from 4:00pm until 10:00pm on Tuesday and met everyone's needs. Yet, the focus remains artifically placed on a Tuesday event. No matter how many times we discuss this issue, you will never convince BOTC that this was about a Tuesday event.

This is an attempt by the IMLCA to control the recruiting market by leveraging their coaches' represented University's money.

However what is really troublesome is your assertion that our views can be bought. We believe that BOTC, a member of the BOTN companies, has proven that we provide an independent view on the lacrosse market. We reject advertising from individuals and companies that do not meet our standards and the needs of the lacrosse community. This is why you do not see syndicated advertisements on our web site.

In closing, we recommend that you do some additional research on Phil Buttofuoco and in particular his recent interviews in media publications. You will be enlightened.