Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
What is pathetic is your post. You cast a shadow on a team you have no clue about. The Crabs have 2 boys with early summer birthdays ( they are 14). So they have 2 holdbacks. Those are facts.Why don’t you let everyone know what team your son plays on so we could compare rosters? Much easier for you hide behind a keyboard instead?
Have you considered these boys work harder & get better coaching than your son? I hope you feel better at the Expense of 13-14 year old boys. You must be a proud parent. Instead of working hard, just have excuses ready to make yourself feel good. Pathetic!

Over many years Crabs have earned their reputation as Hold Back U. Crabs are perennial bottom feeders in HoCo until 8th grade. Then suddenly big new '8th graders' who did a pre-1st and a redo of 8th grade before HS show up. Hawks start bringing their holdbacks in earlier. But no doubt Hawks and Crabs are 2 oldest teams in division. They're also two of the best. Should have a good game this weekend. Good luck to both!

Nailed it 1000% re Crabs (less so Hawks IMO, in this age group they've been good for years). I have an older son and the dynamic was identical--Crabs were botttom/middle of the pack in Hoco until 7th grade, then 8th grade there's a dramatic jump. I'm sure it's all due to development/coaching as well as nearly every single player hitting puberty and gaining 50 lbs and growing 6-12 inches at exactly the same time, right?

And like the other posters, not knocking it, it's allowed, and TBH I'm sure there's some reclasses on my son's team, but no other program (not just the 2028 team, but the entire program) works the process like Crabs do. Just own it.