Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Isn't True Ches a combo of last years VLC team and the non-Fly in True Annapolis/Chesapeke team of the last few years? A national/regional team that competes against our local MD teams.

So wait. Your point is that 2029 Crabs/LTRC, FCA, Hawks, Next Level...do NOT have kids from the whole region? Wow. Great point. Granted - completely naive and wrong.
HIs/her whole point about True Ches being regional like none of the other teams in HoCo are regional (add Madlax to the list) is pretty nonsensical.[/quote]

Those teams might have 1 or 2 that put in a long drive. Not half the team! Those parents and kids are driving more than they are playing, add their circuit teams, etc….you guys are some real laxers and should be proud of yourselves. 🤡How many other teams have separate practice locations on the same day in different regions? I am pretty sure all the other teams practice together on the same day, time and place.[/quote]

This is completely non-sensical.
- "Those teams might have 1 or 2 that put in a long drive." What is a "long drive"? 30 minutes? An hour? And there's not a single elite team with 2 or less that fall into a 30-min category. Not even close. Granted, the rest of us don't have the complete rosters and home addresses like you apparently do. I'm sure you have a file folder of birth certificates and everyone's academic class schedules as well.
- "Those parents and kids are driving more than they are playing." Is that always a bad thing? Could there ever be a reason for a family to decide to do that?
- What teams have different practice locations on the same day in different locations? Was it a one-off? Was there a special reason?
- The clown picture is a nice selfie.[/quote]

My kid is an elite player. We travel 90 minutes each way for practice because there are no elite teams where we live. He spent his first 4 years playing on a lower-tiered team until it became so ridiculous how much faster he was developing than his teammates. It was either, be the best player on a terrible team or be challenged. We should have started making the 90 minute trek sooner. He's getting exactly what he needs and has to work for his playing time.

Although we have considered dropping him to the 2030's where he could dominate and collect all of those middle school trophies by beating up on younger kids.[/quote]

Keep telling yourself everybody else does it, your kids believe you now. Let us know what they say in a couple years when they realize their childhood afternoons and weekends are spent in cars. Elite lacrosse and affordable housing does not co-exist. Enjoy the family time and raising your boys sitting in traffic! But hey, your house your rules. I’m sure your sons love your enthusiasm for elite lacrosse.[/quote]

One of my favorite things about this site is folks who just assume and type out their arses to impart their wisdom and take their little jabs. See, you assume that the decision was parental, when it was anything but. The decision was made after his 2029 club team won a tournament against teams made up of 2029/2030's this past summer. He came off the field miserable in the win because, "there was no competition." He asked to move to a different club and we, as a family, laid it out to him about what that would mean (3 hour drives), not having many opportunities to get to know his teammates, etc. He did his try outs, got offered a couple of spots and chose his team, which practices 90 minutes from us.

Will it burn him out? He loves it so far. He loves that the other kids aren't afraid to guard/be guarded by him in practice, can actually catch passes, have decent to high lacrosse IQ, and want to be at practice. And while his current aspirations are D1 (like just about every other middle-schooler), a lot can change in the next 4-5 years. We're not really focused on that mythical bag of money at the end of the lacrosse rainbow. Plus, I enjoy my time with him in the car, when he's not working on homework. So, while you assume that everyone who drives a distance is a hard driving parent who is trying to relive glory through their middle-schooler, you're barking up the wrong tree on this one. My initial post was just an example of why some folks make the decision they make.

And FYI, high-income (READ: less affordable housing) areas don't always = elite level lacrosse, either.

No doubt you'll have some more sick burns in response and I look forward to reading them.