Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
McDongh SPSG was a great game of high level lacrosse but why does the newspaper say McDonugh pulled out a win over a young SPSG team. They're not young. They have a very experienced senior goalie, senior draw girl and senior defender as well as several juniors who have all been playing varsity and getting playing time since freshman year. Why are they considered young ? With the exception of one freshman i thought the two teams matched up in the number of seniors, juniors and sophomores out on the field. Neither of these teams have "young" rosters out there
They use the word "young" as an excuse - same thing with UNC - they aren't doing well because they are "young" - they are far from young
I didnt read it as an excuse, at some point a coach gets asked why they lost. Outside of saying the other team scored more you are asked to provide context. The context I read was very complimentary speaking of the poise that the senior MCD team showed and that they are setting the bar that she wants her team to reach towards.