Originally Posted by Anonymous
HoCo should not punish FCA or ban them from playoffs. That is unfair to kids. FCA as an organization should take action, do the right thing, and hold their own coaches accountable in a way that sends a strong message to their entire program - kids, coaches, and families. I'm sure the big FCA kid who cross checked opponent's head to end game is a good kid. And no, his coach didn't tell him to that, but the FCA players got the message watching the old coach chirp. And the illegal hit got positive reinforcement from the bearded assistant coach in glasses who claps it up for the takeout hit to the opponent's head (1:33:50). That's nothing to cheer about. Would he clap if one of his kids was hit in the head like that? All these players are impressionable children with developing brains and they need better leadership from grownups. FCA coaches should reflect on what they did, why they did it, and how it should never happen again. Good people can make bad decisions. But there needs to be real accountability or there won't be any real change. And hopefully the FCA kid is ok, that is far more important than any silly game or playoff.

I am aligned with you, especially hoping the FCA kid is ok. But I do think the team should be banned, because we all know that the games and playoffs are not "silly," it is the only way to get everyone's attention that this is serious. the kids will survive missing a few games.