Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
HoCo coaches need better concussion training. A concussed player was sent back in the game and things clearly got worse from there. When kids take significant blows to the head they should come out of the game for assessment and coaches should err on side of caution before subbing them back in. These games are meaningless fun but concussion impacts can be serious and last a lifetime. It shouldn't take a kid lying on the ground, puking, or not knowing where he is to diagnose a concussion. Hope coaches and the league will do better for the kids going forward.

Did this happen this weekend? That is terrible.

It happened last week to the FCA fogo. Their coaching staff has many decades of experience and should know better. I hope the player is ok.
I was there… the play where the kid was injured did not appear to be much contact. Next thing we know, he’s on the sideline and they’re calling for a doctor while the game is still joking on (about 3 min left). Couldn’t understand why the refs didn’t immediately call the game, it took them about 5 min to realize what was happening on the sideline. Tough to blame coaches, I’m sure the last thing they’d have done is send a kid out who’s at risk, and the game was already well decided.

It's all on video clear as day: Kid is slashed in back of head by his own teammate who is going for ground ball. Force of the slash drives FCA player's head into turf. Kid has trouble getting up and holds his head in pain. Cameraman in crow's nest immediately calls out: "He is concussed." Refs stop game. No flag because he was slashed by his own teammate. Coaches take him out. At that point system worked. Next step should have been a grownup telling him he's done for the day. But score had gone from 9-1 to 9-6. Game got tighter. 'Old school' lax culture takes over and FCA sends FOGO back out with his 'bell rung' despite clear concussion symptoms. Someone on FCA sideline should have spoken up. Instead, grownups let that kid down. And FCA coach (assistant?) owes DCE coach an apology for chirping and saying "Good job! Hope you feel good about this" (gesturing to hurt FOGO in distress as people start calling for an ambulance). The FCA coach escalated tensions and game got chippier. Game called after dirty hit by FCA player who cross checked the head of DCE kid half his size. FCA sideline cheered wildly as DCE kid is injured. Again, it is all on tape. Hope HoCo reviews and takes action to prevent future incidents.

You clearly weren’t there and clearly aren’t involved. you’re not even half right about the initial hit, I’m sure you mean well and appreciate your concern but you don’t have a clue.

just watched the film and this looks completely accurate to me. what did you see differently?

He was hit in the head by the DCE player’s shoulder before the stick to the head. It is obvious when you watch it slowly.

You can see why the keyboard jockeys would see it differently but it was clear in the game and if you slow the video down you see there too.

It really doesn’t matter either way, the people spreading misinfo on this board never seem to apologize.

You must be the FCA coach or #9’s dad. You’re literally the only nine who sees it this way. Blinders.

My kid is on neither team. I have no dog in this fight, but I can see with my own eyes what happened in this video. The overweight FCA coach w gray hair is indeed a clown. And it’s not like the game’s outcome was in doubt, the score was 13-6.

No, it sounds like you do. Don't play innocent victims here. DCE played nasty and cheap from the beginning. For every penalty that DCE's players received, they would receive a standing ovation from their coach. Is it a new strategy to play a man down but play dirty? DCE started this game to play rough and was receiving a load of penalties and losing 8:0.They targeted some specific FCA players, causing multiple penalties on both teams. At some point, DCE was playing two men down (43:20). By the end of the game, FCA began to retaliate more and more, and it got out of hand.

You sound like a broken MadLax record, trying to justify losing by 8:0 by the end of the first half. I guess you can take whiners out of Madlax, but you can't take Madlax out of whiners.

1:15:28: DCA #30 Pole hits FCA #5 on the back of the helmet. Speed is LOW, Value is UP, and you will hear a clank.

1:33:29: DCA #25 hits FCA #26 in the head, who does not even have a ball at that moment.

And this is just the last 15 minutes. And if it's true that your kid is on neither team and I have no dog in this fight, then it means you know squat!

NP here who also has no connection to FCA or DCE (or Madlax). I'm open to believing that there was dirty play by both sides, but the three clips you cite do not back up your claim at all that DCE "played nasty and cheap from the beginning." Merely being two men down (43:20) doesn't prove anything. 1:15:28 is the first impact to the Fogo that everyone is talking about, and it looks like he was slashed inadvertently by his teammate. The hit at 1:33:29 was hard, but did not look dirty nor did it draw a penalty. And yes, the FCA player who got hit did not have the ball "at that moment," but it was a loose ball at his feet, not a hit away from the play.
Can you point to anything else that indicates that DCE played "dirty from the beginning," like maybe a clip from the first half? honestly it feels like the FCA parents are just making stuff up to deflect from what happened.


Teenage boys will play rough sometimes, that doesn't excuse an adult coach from putting an obviously concussed kid (or even a possibly concussed kid) back in a game ever, let alone because your lead had shrunk a little.