Originally Posted by Anonymous
Love how the conversation gets diverted to 91 haters. The original post was about holdbacks, and playing teams that have many of them that look like double holdbacks. It would be good for coaches/parents to know the ages going into tournaments, so that they could decide "you know what, let's not put our 14/15 yr olds in a position to play multiple 16/17 yr olds." Sprinkle in a little HGH, and it looks like they are playing against The Rock and friends, in what should be freshman lacrosse. It just gets IAmInsecure notIntelligent

My friend ....nobody wants to hear you whining about holdbacks ...that conversation got old a year ago and unfortunately you're still at it . Move on already and think of something new when your son's team loses . Or just gave the fact that possibly your son and his team just aren't that good . But take your crying elsewhere....maybe one of the other parents in your son's team can lend a shoulder to cry on