Originally Posted by Anonymous
MM income far exceeds 200k a year, closer to 1 million!!

Son #1 is a single holdback who graduated on age due to entering the school system one year early

Son # 2 is not a hold back at all and is also young for his grade.

Stop blaming clubs for holdback parents chose if their son is held back. Quite crying about it!’ Your complaint really isn’t about hold backs it’s about private schools which you envy to a point of detest . Don’t blame parents who choose to spend their money to help give their sons a leg up.

They’ll be great college players the minutes they step onto the UVA campus where their age will mean absolutely nothing.

Son #2 played on Team 91 MD 2024 until couple years ago, when he switched to 2025. Splain that Lucy. BTW, never anything special on 2024 team. Never noticed him.