Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Most privates don’t make it easy or cheap to pay tuition monthly. High service fees to push you to pay in a lump sum earlier.

Not true. Most families pay monthly and the previous poster who said last payment is in February is totally wrong.

Pretty sure neither one of you know what you are talking about because parents are not going around discussing their tuition payment plans. Private schools DO make it difficult to pay monthly by adding hefty service charge fees/processing fees to your tuition. Most schools also offer a 60/40 plan. Pay 60% summer prior to start of school with balance due by December before winter break. Not one school I looked into while going through the high school selection process 4 different times has payments due in February, the same month they hand out acceptance letters.

I'm neither one of those posters, and this is the most bizarre arguments on BOTC yet, but

#1 who cares about keeping their payment plan private...on an anonymous message board no less? If you are a business owner or get a large annual bonus or commission, you probably pay lump sum (always smartest). If you draw a regular corporate paycheck, you probably pay installments, even if it is funneled through a 529 (now do I have your attention?).

#2 I checked our account yesterday in the middle of this bizarro argument and saw, from the Archdiocese of Baltimore / FACTS portal, that we have a payment in Feb and a payment in March. I was the guy who earlier said our last payment was in February, and I was wrong - it was March. This would apply to JCS, MSJ, CHC, LB, STM, AS. So I'm not sure your research was very conclusive about "all the the schools" you researched. The idea that there would be no payment in the month of admission letters is fool - we all signed contracts. The money is due. Who is scared of their payment?

Catholic arent real private schools. McD, St P, Gilman are,,, different people in each. No monthly payments by 90% of parents.