Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
and they dont dominate any more .... get out while you can still cash in..

They are definitely still the best on long island and if Long Island had a club championship they would win every age group.As far as on a national level I still think that YJ would be considered one of the top programs if not the best.Feel free to let me know which program on long island would beat YJ top team and at what graduation year.

The YJ's are still the top program on LI but are getting chipped away at each and every year. They've lost big games to TG's, SCAS', and Liberty along the way. They still dominate at a few of the age groups, but most ages are totally up in the air.

More importantly they dominate on the recruiting front. Not saying there aren't kids on the other clubs with great opportunities, but not as many as the YJ's. I don't see that changing anytime soon! In addition if I was a Top Gun parent I would be a little concerned about how my kid was being marketed. I am sure SS wants to recruit the best players from the club, so it is a bit of a conflict of interest for her to promote or facilitate her top kids going to schools other than Hofstra. She is a good kid and I don't think she would intentionally try to hurt a anyone, but I doubt she would help her competition. Any kid with the ability to play at Hofstra or better should be a bit concerned.