Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Quick question for the group: How do parents afford to have their girls attend these prestigious private schools? By no means am I poor, but I definitely cant afford 30k/year for high school. Are there special grants set aside for athletes? Very interested to see how I can get my daughter into one of these schools.

There is quite a bit of financial aid available even if you make decent money. The threshold is pretty high not to qualify for something. If you have multiple kids in private school or in college that goes into the equation too. It's different for the catholic schools but those schools aren't as expensive as McD, SPSG, Bryn Mawr, etc.

How great would Catonsville girls be this year if all of the talent had not been stunk away by the scholarships to the MIAA schools?

The better question would be to ask "why are parents taking their kids away from the publics and sending them to the privates?"... what should the publics do "better" to retain their kids?