Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Spalding has good football with players going to Maryland and Pennstate this yr

Spaulding beat Gonzaga but St. John’s would wreck any MIAA school in football just like they would in lacrosse. Not really close.

Why would anyone from the MIAA think it’s smart to compare WCAC football with their beloved MIAA? Stick to lacrosse. You still have some convinced your the best lacrosse league.

Unfortunately you kicked out your only legit football program.

Who was comparing the leagues? Clearly you have trouble reading and comprehension. Miaa lacrosse players actually play football along with other sports.It is why the MIAA is the best lacrosse conference. 6-7 teams(out of 9) consistently ranked nationally,not 1 or 2. We get that SCJ parents are bitter that little ralphie had to stop playing football in the high school for fear.Hard to swallow after so much success playing peewee.SJC after this year will be non existent in the lacrosse world.Big differnce in having 1o r 2 good seasons vs decades of winning!

This post shows that MIAA fans are still living on past successes. The league has been pretty mediocre the last several years. Which in turn results in powerhouses from other leagues coming into your back yard and beating your top teams.

MIAA 2017: +25% of league in top 20
MIAA 2018: +25% of league in top 20
MIAA 2019: National #1`
MIAA 2020: National #1 and 45% of league in top 25
MIAA 2021: +25% of league in top 12 spots
MIAA 2022: +35% of league in top 20

Calvert Hall seems to be in the top 6 or 7 every year and 2 years at #1. BL and McDonogh are right there with them in the top spots year after year.

2 to 3 teams dominate the league every year.