Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Heard about this particular forum at practice this morning and spent the last hour reviewing posts....do you know what the real problem with lacrosse is?

It's YOU, pathetic parents with nothing better to be crying and moaning and spending your time posting inaccurate / false information. This is my first and last post...

My Son is a 4 year crabs 26 player with a summer 08 birthday and one of the younger players on the team. With that in mind, I've watched him and the Crabs 26 team improve every year and tryouts each summer have been stressful but he's made the team each year through hard work and great coaching. My Wife and I (both college athletes) made a conscious decision to send him to school on schedule knowing full well he'd be playing against older kids with the expectation that he would rise to the competition.

I keep hearing nonsense that the 26 team is mostly (or all) holdbacks and that is entirely inaccurate....I actually had a Dad on our football team (who's Son did not make the Crabs cut and is on his 3rd club team) reference one of our players specifically as a holdback and had to set him straight immediately....the player he mentioned was actually playing up on the 25's (he's that good) and came back to 26 to play in his true year class. Shut him up pretty quick.

With regard to the crabs not inviting talented teams to our tournaments because we don't want the competition then let me ask you this....why the heck do we drive to Long Island for tournaments? Do you think we like going to LI? NOOOOO!

None of the Crabs parents like going to LI for the same reasons nobody likes going to LI. We do it for the kids so they get to play other highly competitive teams.

Next, with regard to recruiting kids from other states to fill Boys Latin dorms...again, complete BS. We do have 2 kids from FL on the team but guess what? They don't go to school at BL or any other MD school. The parents actually fly up for practice and games because the Dads played college lacrosse, they have very talented kids and the South FL lacrosse scene is not very competitive...(and I guess they have that kinda cash). Again, they do it for the kids. And, they selected Crabs. Does your son's team have parents that committed?

And finally, do you remember the Crabs 26 v Madlax game (Crabs won) last season where the Madlax coach was ejected in the 1st quarter, 2 players were ejected in the 4th quarter (with 4 minutes in a 2 man down situation) and then the referee's called the game with 1:15 left in the game because the parents were not nice? I do:)....now that's a classy lacrosse club!
(I couldn't resist)

Y'all have a great season, see you on the field.

The kid on your 26 team was playing for 2025 in 7th grade-ask his father. That would mean he was playing on age at that point in time. Now is playing down. We call that a holdback. Those two kids from Florida will be asked to board at BL at some point. They need to fill those 48 spots. Mac is a member of the BL Board of trustees and he will be leading that charge!!! Hold back Mac does not like to coach teams unless they have older, faster, stronger kids on them-this makes up for his shortcomings as a game day coach. That is why he did not coach the 2024 or 2025 kids in 8th grade. Those teams did not meet his criteria. He basically took their money, held his nose, and shunned them. He is back in the 8th grade coaching business again because there are multiple holdbacks on the team and they should be pretty good. Mac is very predictable.

Sorry your kid was cut.......tell him to keep grinding; I know Koopers needs midfield help.