Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
So, I guess you don’t rely on medicine and science for anything? Do you get your other vaccines? That stuff won’t necessarily kill you either! You can just take your chances. Good luck in the herd. Only problem is, you are a spreader and I’m sure you are anti -mask as well!? You Keep on spreading your love to the herd. Best of Luck with that.
Are you aware that vaccinated people are getting it? So, vaccinated people are spreaders as well...what does that science tell you?

It tells you, because half of the population is not getting vaccinated it’s going to keep going round and round! But, you can see the people getting seriously sick now are the unvaccinated! Tells me, the vaccine is saving lives in the vaccinated population. Thanks to Science

whos telling you half the population? the numbers are up 75 -80% with at least 1 dose.. the CNN is telling you those who are seriously sick are un vaccinated, the reality might be different. Lets hope the largest medical experiment in human history continues to be successful.