Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I hear stuff like this all the time, posted about a lot of clubs.

So- Why? Any meat to that sandwich? Lots of options in Baltimore lax these days. Seems like the Hawks, 91 and a couple others are outperforming the crabs these days.

FCA is having a mass exodus heading to Crabs this year. You do the Math

Define 'mass'. Since only one of the last three matches have been much of game between the two clubs at the 25 level, why would any FCA player leave a club that wins for another that lost to a b-level Carolina team and Green Turtle team in the past few weeks. I just don't buy it.

FCA dad,

Little Butchie’s FCA team lost to Crabs this year -right?
And didn’t FCA finish below Crabs in the HOCO standings?

Hmmmm…. You probably should consider buying it!

FCA is remodeled and it showed at NAL. Few upcoming decisions and this team is high cvaliber and not to be taken light.