I am hoping we have a ref on this link-

Dangerous Follow through- your stick has to make contact with opposing team-I think that one is easy

Dangerous Propel-any shoot deemed out of control or deemed dangerous. This is my question. It seems as if especially in the college game as long as you don’t hit someone with your shot anything pretty much goes? Is this the new rule? It sure seems like it. I see shots taken with no regard to where it is going, BTBs where they have no idea who is behind them, shoots over defenders heads.

So is it safe to say your stick or ball has to hit someone to get here calls? If not this rule is lost

Second is Cradling in the Sphere-why does this rule even exist. It is never called, but is the most abused call in the game. Everytime a player is in trouble they immediately cradle in sphere. But what is called is check in sphere. I don’t get it?? What happen first was the cradle in sphere.

Just wanted to get some feedback on these two rules.