Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
then you have no idea what you are talking about with these prep schools . they are the best schools in the country for your kid ,,,,, dont bash people sending there kids to these schools ... and here is another note take a look at all the top lacrosse schools rosters they all are a majority of prep kids so have a great day ....

Wow 70k a year to play lacrosse and have little Johnny get his head straight because Daddy has issues living through his son. I bet you go around with five of your kids school stickers slapped all over your car. You d o u c h e.

$70k for my kid to play top level lacrosse, get a great connection and leave HS with a network of friends that put him in a better position for the real world. Oh yea, and I reclassed him as well so that he is older and better situated for taking on leadership positions in school and beyond. Lastly, yes I have his magnets and the one that says he is an honor student. Im not the original poster but I will say you are a short sited little person passing judgement out of, Im guessing, jealousy. Know this, my son is also learning to deal with likes of you.