Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Are there any issues with Spallina coaching the 2025s once they reach recruiting age? Seems like a big violation? Not that any of the top players would consider stonybrook?

Wow you may of been the first person to think of that.lolol Take a look a Shannon smith the last few years and yes funny we were discussing a few days ago that this incoming class may be the first at SB that has recruited top kids to stay. Two of his recruits may be best on LI 2 of the top 5

Clearly a matter of opinion on how good the recruiting class is and why even put the spotlight on 2 specific players .2 of the top 5 players on LI , exactly what are their accolades for you to make that statement. Are they 2 very good players , yes , but LI has a lot of very good players especially in that age group.