Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

weak answer. They been loosly part of express for 4 years, why is it taking so long to get a uniform the same color as the club you are SUPPOSEDLY with. I guess the turtle coach doesn't know anyone who makes lacrosse uniforms, oh well.

This isn't the first time that express teams wore different stuff. In alot the age groups in past years the A teams wore different helmets to stand apart from the other teams like solid orange helmets for example. Also aren't the terps uniforms different from the other express teams?

Why are people upset that the Turtles are part of the express organization? It's just the way it is.

Formalizing the relationship with the Express will add some presige to the Express program in this age group. The Express wants to set itself up for another U15 championshp this year and next and know that the Turtles are the only ones that can pull it off. Terps are now the B team and will most likely not be going to the U15 tourney Summer of 2014. Some of the parents on this team should shop the best players on this team as a complete package to one of the other programs that needs a good team in this age bracket and wants to compete at the U15 tourney.

Turtles vs top u15 or 2016 teams what a joke. Lehigh Laxfest, Turtles got beat by Team Victor (2016) team and this past Fall at Maverick tournament on LI lost to a Westchester based 2016 team. What makes anyone think this excellent 2017 team can beat ANY elite 2016 team? Not happening.