Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
First of all, the top 3 academic school districts in Nassau are Jericho, Great Neck and Syosset and truth be told, those kids don’t need sports to get into the colleges all of you are are spending tens of thousands of dollars to get into through lacrosse and chasing a minimal scholarship. Those kids get into great schools on academics alone and get more scholarship money than most of your kids ever will and after 4 years of lax - that’s if your kids even see the field and don’t drop out or xfer since they can’t actually handle academics at a school they weren’t truly academically qualified for. Focus on school and academics after 4 years of college lax won’t mean a thing!

LOL.. have a seat son and let me give you an education. These test scores coming out of Great neck and Jericho have been fraudulent for decades: “Exam Cheating on Long Island Hardly a Secret”

https://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/02/education/on-long-island-sat-cheating-was-hardly-acheat on the SATs, they

These people have been cheating on the SATs and most likely their other exams and tests for AT LEAST a generation. and Now with the influx of population coming from flushing, leaves a little more doubt as to the reliability of test scores and academic standings. and Syosset LOL.. sstaaaph please.. seriously...might as well be Hicksville. these are the quality Moms and Dads of Syossett. right here : https://www.newsday.com/long-island...-4-home-burglaries-police-say-1.12875201

OK pops thanks for the outdated link that no longer works from a 10 year old story. I just quickly googled top long island districts and will share a link that actually works. I am sure your district is on the list but you will find it quicker if you start at the very bottom of the list and work your way up pops. When your daughter doesn't get into colleges because she goes to such a crappy school district do you send that outdated link as your excuse to the admissions office after they reject your kid? That must work well! You likely can't afford to live in the areas with the top school districts on Long Island because you are spending so much money on your daughter and her lacrosse lessons and travelling to tournaments and chasing the $5,000 scholarship she will get to play at a mediocre school. Here are some links that are current. LMK if you need any more info or if you need help reading it.



This discussion originally started about lacrosse and the top schools. Though Jericho, Great Neck and Syosset have great academic credentials, not one college coach will be looking at those schools on a yearly basis to recruit players. You may want to pound your chest about how superior you schools academic credential are, but in this conversation they are totally useless. Though not as highly ranked as the above mentioned schools, "set, Garden City, and Cold Spring Harbor are pretty well ranked academically in there own right ( I wish I could have sent my kids to any of them) but also have excellent Lacrosse programs, which does pertain to the conversation, so in that aspect they are without a doubt the top 3 schools in Nassau when put in a lacrosse setting. And for the Yellow Jacket Flunkies out there, this years senior class' best Long Island Players Lindsey Ronbeck, and Sam Apuzzo, Neither played Yellow Jackets, so great players do come from other clubs, so get over yourselves

Yes, both great players. 10 former yellow jacket players are pre-season all-americans so then there is that....