Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
who has the best team at the 2016 age on Long Island.

Don't ask, but in my opinion a case can be made for any of three teams YJ Blue, TG Black, Suffolk All-stars in no particular order.

TG- Have beaten Suffolk all-stars but have lost to teams like Skywalkers,descent players, descent coaching.

All-Stars--Have beaten and lost to YJ Blue,lost to TG, not a deep team and depend on a few kids heavilly, well coached and play to their strengths well

YJ Blue have lost to and beaten suffolk all-stars, have beaten teams such as skywalkers, steps .Deepest of the teams with probably the best players, several have been playing varsity for a couple years earning all division honors etc.

The YJ blue teams are much better than the TG, Allstars and Express(joke) . The YJ blue play up a year against these teams. When the YJ blue play these teams on age its like taking candy from a baby, the YJ crush these teams. Don't put these organizations at the same level as the YJ!!!!!

You are an idiot and I am sure not a YJ parent. That being said Liberty Express are definately a step below YJ Blue, TG Black, All-stars in this age group.

All Stars, Top Guns and Liberty are slightly better than YJs Blue in 2016.

Your a moron , Liberty has lost multiple times to YJ and are not very competitive in this age group stop trying to stir the pot.