Originally Posted by Anonymous
There are many valid reasons why someone would want to talk to a lacrosse coach. it is ok. don't listen to all these people who have the perfect child who is a lacrosse prodigy. I wouldn't approach a coach to see if my son or daughter can be moved up to varsity, the coaches will decide who is ready to practice and play at that level.

The only thing that is really taboo is trying to speak to the coach within 24 hours after a game. Other than that, go ahead and call. don't push your son or daughters skills on the coach, but ask questions and thank him for his time.

I have several friends who coach travel, high school and college. None of these guys are off limits to parents. They just don't want someone telling them their little johnnie is the greatest. You can ask what does he need to work on, how is his attitude and work ethic at practice, what advice can you share with us to keep reiterating to him at home. If this has to do with playing time, then I would definitely have my child speak to the coach directly or as our coach says- have a parent present so the child doesn't misinterpret anything he said.

Great post.