Originally Posted by dumb as a box of rocks
If you are looking for good competition it won't be at the UNC event. Mostly teams from Florida and NC. If they were really looking for good competition they shouldn't have played in 2 Aloha tournaments this fall.

Well excuse me. We are in the presence of greatness here folks and I guess you know the game better than the Coaching Staff at UNC??

You do realize the goal for most of these young men is to display their talent in front of D1 Coaches so they can get recruited to D1 programs?

Their ultimate goal is not to compete against whoever YOU (Joe Blow Phucknutz) says is good competition at XYZ play day you TWIT!!!

There is a reason Dave invited Crab's down, just like there is a reason Sean Nadalen is coaching the Crab's middle school box team.

Or are they simply uninformed idiots too Joe??


Originally Posted by pathetic, jealous, dooshbag
I know who you are. Your son is a fringe player at best. If he sprints to the huddles to hand out water bottles to the players who actually play, maybe Metzbower will have him as a manager in a few years. Crab Nation!!!!

Looks like daddy is still butt hurt because his kids spot was taken. Where did you slime off too - API?....LOL.